Tropical Sushi Rolls! (w/ Cauliflower Rice)

I think this is my first blog post in over a year! Life has just been sooo crazy, and I had to prioritize my “have to’s” and my “want to’s”, and cut a few things out. . . 

Anyway, I recently created the most amazing Sushi using Cauliflower Rice, and it turned out so well that I just HAD to share 🙂
I have been craving the heck out of sushi lately, but have been feeling SO good following a 99.9% squeaky clean Paleo Diet that I just didn’t want to cave and risk taking a few steps back on the health front to satisfy a craving. So I decided to get creative and try my hand at Sushi made w/ Cauliflower Rice. The idea popped into my head about a month or so ago when I made my first batch of Juli Bauer’s Coconut Caulflower Rice (If you haven’t checked out yet – do it now!)

Anyway, I made her version of Coconut Cauliflower Rice, and found that the texture reminded me a little bit of “sticky rice” – I think due to the use of a little raw honey. Sticky Rice made me think Sushi, and a month later I finally got to play with the idea!

You can use whatever fillings that you’re in the mood for – I chose to use Sashimi Grade Wild Tuna, Avocado, Pineapple, and a little bit of Spicy Paleo Mayo. I know . . most people will see the pineapple and go eeewwww. . but I had some leftover Grilled Pineapple from another recipe of Juli’s that I made earlier in the week – and I saw it in the fridge as I was grabbing the ingredients to assemble my rolls, and thought – “Why Not?” – I love sweet and spicy stuff, and the sweetness of the pineapple w/ the spiciness of the mayo really made my taste buds sing!
Ideas for other fillings would be matchstick carrots and/or cucumbers, smoked salmon (if you’re not into raw fish), or crab meat (REAL Lump Crab mixed w/ spicy mayo would be yummy! Just avoid the overly processed gluten filled fake stuff).
This Recipe is kind of like a 3-in-1. I’ll include the Sushi Roll Assembly Instructions, a recipe for the Cauliflower Rice (pretty much straight off Juli’s site w/ just a minor modification), and a recipe for the spicy mayo.
Tropical Sushi Rolls:
Suggested Ingredients:
1 batch Cauliflower “Sticky” Rice (recipe below)
3 Tb Spicy Paleo Mayo (optional – recipe below)
Sashimi Grade Tuna or Salmon. . or Both!
Fresh Pineapple (sliced into long, slender strips)
1 Large Ripe Avocado
Place 1 Nori Sheet on a Flat, Dry surface 
Spread 1/4 cup (give or take) of Cauliflower Rice up and down the center of it
Slice off a strip of Tuna about 1/4 inch thick, and lay down the center of the rice
Lay 2 slices of Avocado alongside the tuna down the center of the rice
Lay a strip of pineapple down the center along the other side of the tuna
Drizzle a little bit of Spicy Mayo over the Tuna/Avocado/Pineapple
“Smear” a little avocado along one edge of the Nori (this will help seal it)
Watch This Video from 6:45 to 7:20 for “rolling” instructions
Once rolled tightly, use a very sharp knife to slice into 6-8 pieces
Additional Options/Variations:
Spread a little Wasabi Paste along the edge instead of or in addition to the Avocado (if you like it SPICY!)
Sprinkle individual pieces with toasted sesame seeds
Make a Spicy Crab Roll by replacing Tuna w/ Lump Crab Meat that has been mixed w/ the Spicy Mayo
Serve with Wasabi Paste, Pickled Ginger, and Coconut Aminos for dipping
Coconut Cauliflower “Sticky” Rice
1 Head Cauliflower
1 Tb Coconut Oil (or sesame oil would be good too, I think!)
1/4 – 1/3 cup Full Fat Coconut Milk (depending on size of cauliflower head)
1/8 cup finely shredded coconut (unsweetened)
2 Tb Rice Vinegar
1 tsp Raw Honey
Remove Stems and Roughly Chop Cauliflower. Place florets in Food Processor and Pulse until you get a rice-like consistency. 

TIP: Don’t Over-do it! If you pulse too much, you’ll end up with a bit of a “mush” instead of a “rice” and the consistency will be a little to wet for the sushi rolls. 

Warm 1 Tb oil in large pot – dump in “rice”, sprinkle with sea salt, stir until well combined, and cover with lid to let steam. Steam with lid on for about 8 minutes, stirring occasionally. (Honestly? I didn’t set a timer. . . it’s not an exact science though – 8 to 10 minutes should do the trick!). 
Remove lid and stir in coconut milk, vinegar, and shredded coconut. Then drizzle w/ honey and mix well. Let cook about another 8 minutes without lid, stirring frequently. It should be about the consistency of sticky rice when it’s done. 
Remove from heat and set aside

Spicy Mayo (Optional)
3 Tb of your favorite Paleo Mayo (I like Melissa Joulwan’s recipe)
1/ 2 tsp Cayenne Pepper (more or less to your taste) 
1/2 tsp Garlic Powder
splash of coconut aminos (optional)
Combine all ingredients in a small bowl and mix well (or blend w/ a hand blender if you’d prefer)

Rough Chopped Cauliflower in Food Processor

“Riced” Cauliflower

Ingredients for Coconut Sticky “Rice”

Sticky “Rice” (after cooking)

Assembled Sushi Roll before Rolling
Basic Sushi Roll 1
Basic Sushi Roll 2
Tropical Sushi Roll!
Portland, TX 78374, USA

0 thoughts on “Tropical Sushi Rolls! (w/ Cauliflower Rice)”

  1. Christie, Welcome back 🙂
    I have tried the cauliflower rice serveral times and it always comes out really watery. Based on your instructions I guess I am over "food Processing" it. Will definately try again using your instructions!

  2. My husband and I made these tonight for Valentine's Day – they turned out great! Loved the entire recipe. It was difficult to defrost the tuna, but otherwise loved it!

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