Zwift Academy Semi-Final Workout #7 Recap – Over/Unders. . . AND THAT’S A WRAP!

You see that look on my face right there? That is the look of accomplishment, success, confidence, and RELIEF!!

I think I was about 1 minute or so into my cool down after completing the last hard effort of my final Zwift Academy workout, and had so many thoughts & emotions swirling through my head…


“Wow, that’s it! The SemiFinals are over, and I successfully completed every single workout … yay!!”

“That hurt, but dang it, I did it! Why was I sooo scared of this one?!?”

“OMG OFFSEASON!!! YAAASSSS!!! “😁(Or at least a little break before training camp? 😂🤣)

“Oh man, the 21st is a week away… that’s a loooonnngg time… better find something to keep my mind occupied this week so I don’t lose my mind! 🙃

#ReflectionsOfAZwiftAcademySemiFinalist #OMG#ISurvived #ThatWasFun #Grateful

World’s best Cheering Squad!
Aaaannnndddd… that’s a wrap!!

Up with the roosters at 5:15am to knock out the final Zwift Academy SemiFinal Workout: Over/Unders (OOMPH!)

I had quite the cheering squad this morning, as my hubby AND my dogs got up early as well to help push me through this final tough session .

I want to send out a HUGE thank you to everyone involved with putting together & running this year’s Zwift Academy: Zwift, CANYON//SRAM Racing TrainSharp Cycling Wahoo Fitness Today’s Plan Rapha, and the AMAZING Group of supportive & inspiring women in the Zwift Academy FB Group…. It was such a great experience, and no matter the outcome as far as Finals go, I’m coming out of it a stronger, more well-rounded Rider with more confidence & an amazing support group!

Now let the waiting game begin! 😬 #HowWillIMakeItThroughThisWeek?#ZwiftAcademy #SemiFinals #NICETOP

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