Sweet Potato Frittata Recipe + Update

Okay, I haven’t checked in for a while b/c I’ve been CRAZY BUSY between school, work, and lifting, but I’m going to try to be a little more regular w/ my updates going forward.

A quick update – My diet has NOT been going so well 🙁 It’s not that I have been eating total crap all of the time, but it has definitely not been Paleo, and there has been a good amount of crap thrown in there. . .

Back on the wagon yesterday though, and so far so good 🙂

It never ceases to amaze me what a HUGE difference my diet has on my performance. Perfect example – I did the “Nancy” WOD about a month and a half ago, and PR’d it at 14’50”. Did it this morning, and it nearly killed me, and my time was 21’42”. That is seriously just sad. Granted, I was sick all weekend but still, I have to contribute the majority of the excess time to my crappy diet.

It was nice to have a little “reminder” like that this morning – even though I had already committed myself to cleaning up my diet again ASAP, and have already prepped all of my food for the week – that extra little reminder will help to keep me on track and remind me just why I’m following Paleo Guidelines.

As for my workouts – I’ve gotten 95% of my lifting workouts in, but have only been making it to about 3 CF sessions a week b/c of school/work schedules. I will be SO happy when I’m finally done with school!! Only a few weeks left 🙂 My Oly lifts have been getting better, but my CF performance has gone down significantly due to my crappy diet. I can only imagine how much my Oly lifts would have improved had I stayed strict w/ my diet over the last month! That’s okay though – the past is the past, and all I can do is concentrate on the future.

For the next week or so, I’ll be updating my blog with what I’m eating in an attempt to keep myself a little more accountable.

Mini Sweet Potato Frittata Recipe:

I created the BEST recipe this weekend that is PERFECT for me for pre-work out 🙂 I call them “Mini Sweet Potato Frittatas”. I sauteed onions, red peppers, yellow peppers, spinach, and tomatoes in some olive oil, and cubed some sweet potatoes and cooked them in a skillet until they were soft and mushy. I combined all the veggies and the sweet potatoes, added a little salt and pepper, and then spooned equal amounts into 14 muffin pans. Then, I beat 3 eggs + 8 egg whites really well, and then poured the eggs over the veggie mixture in the muffin pans. Then, I baked them at 375 for about 15 minutes, and that was it 🙂 I froze about half of them, and the other half is in the fridge. 2 of the little mini-frittatas makes a perfect pre-workout snack for me 🙂

And in case anyone is wondering what’s in my homemade oatmeal pancakes:
Old Fashioned Oats, Egg Whites, Protein Powder, Apple Sauce, Banana, Cinnamon

I’ll be phasing these out over the next day or so b/c I want to try to go strict Paleo without the oatmeal. If I have a problem w/ energy loss again though, I’ll add my oatmeal back in.

Okay, so far, here’s what I’ve eaten today:

4:30am – 2 mini-frittatas (pre-workout)
6:30am – 3 oz sweet potato + 1/4 scoop lean dessert protein powder + 2 walnuts (post-workout)
7:45am – 1 homemade “oatmeal pancake” + 1 T Natural Almond Butter (breakfast)
11:00am – 4 oz lean steak grilled + salad w/ spinach, 1 hb egg, avocado, tomatoes, onions, carrots, and balsamic vinegar
3:00pm – 3 oz chicken breast + 1/2 plumcott + 5 brussel sprouts w/ evoo
7:00pm – 4 oz tilapia + 2 cups broccoli + slivered almonds + evoo

SORE AS HELL!!! (And Loving It!)

Okay, so olympic lifting has been going really well this week.

Last night I had more Snatches (65 lb) and C&J’s (90 lbs) and I swear they felt twice as heavy as they did the day before!

WOD yesterday morning was 12 Pullups, 12 Burpees – 10 RFT. I did Ring Pullups b/c my hands were so shredded, and I think this may be one of the reasons I was sooo sore for lifting last night and the weight felt heavier than normal.

Still made it through all rounds though! Just took plenty of rest in between reps, and powered through.

By 9pm last night, every single muscle in my entire body from my toes to my hair follicles was on fire! I hate being so sore, but love it at the same time b/c it’s not an injury sore – just a soreness that reminds you that you’re busting your ass in the gym 🙂

Didn’t go to CF this morning b/c I already did my three in a row Tu, Wed, Thu, plus I needed the extra sleep!

Tonight will be a hellof a lot of squats and core. . . .so I’m looking at the bright side – at least no upper body! lol

Diet has stayed Paleo – hard boiled some eggs earlier in the week, and have been LOVING them on my salads 🙂

Getting ready to hunker down for another weekend full of schoolwork as well.

Another good day :)

Today’s been pretty good so far!

Made it to WOD w/ the 5am-ers at CC Crossfit – had a bit of a different WOD today.

I had the chance to work on my Hand Stand Pushups 🙂 I did them upside down under the pullup machine w/ the green band as assistance. Got 24 in Four minutes. I wanted that 25th one sooo bad, but my shoulders just gave out on me!

Pretty uneventful day at work – which equals a good day!

Got off a little late, hit the community center about 5:15pm for my lift.

OMG – you should have SEEN the looks on the guys faces when Lil’ Ol Me started doing snatches and split jerks in the middle of the floor! It was absolutely priceless!

Today I had 66 lb snatches, 88 lb C&J, and 100 lb RDL’s programmed – I feel like it went pretty well.

The snatches felt light, but gave me a chance to really focus on technique, and NOT LOOKING UP!

Cleans were so-so. I did 90lb b/c it was the closest I could get to 88. It didn’t feel heavy, but I had a little trouble w/ rounding my back on the last few reps.

RDL’s felt a little light, but again, gave me a chance to really work on full ROM and good form. My rear’s already twitching a little, so I’m pretty sure I’ll be feeling them tomorrow!

Okay, off to schoolwork – I have an Economics paper due tonight. . yuck!

DAY 1 of Coach Wilkes’ Oly Lifting Program!!!

Okay, so I have been MIA for about a week due to insane amounts of stress and school. . . but I HAVE been sticking to my Paleo ways (well. . . for the most part anyway!), and I’ve been squeezing in as many CF workouts as possible between school and work.

I spent the ENTIRE Labor Day weekend doing schoolwork – literally from the minute I woke to the time I went to bed – Fri night, Sat, Sun, and Monday. . . .BUT I knocked out a hell of a lot of work!

I found out early last week that I wouldn’t be able to Oly lift in the mornings anymore at CC Crossfit, so I had to make some other arrangements. . . cause hell if I’m gonna quit lifting!

Starting today, I’m CF’ing in the morning, and then in the evenings I’m Oly lifting up at the Community Center. It’s not the ideal setup – they don’t have rubber bumpers, and it’s pretty packed in the evenings, but they do have bars and iron plates, and technically that’s all I need to get by 🙂

So my (revised) schedule this month is:
Up at 4am for 5am CrossFit
Work from 6:45am to 4pm
Lift from 4:30pm to 5:30pm at the Community Center
Schoolwork from 6pm to 10pm

I will be SOOO happy when this month is over, and I can take the schoolwork out of the equation!

So anyway, like I was saying – today was my first day of following Coach Wilkes’ Olympic Lifting Programing – and I really liked it! It feels SOOOO good to be lifting again after nearly 2 weeks off! I REALLY missed it!

The squats felt pretty light, but by the end were starting to get heavy. I really concentrated on keeping good form- and got down loooowwww on every rep 🙂

The OH presses were another story altogether!! I was supposed to press 65 lbs but couldn’t manage more than 60, and could only get 3 reps at that weight. I ended up dropping the weight by 10 lbs to 55 and doing the appropriate # of reps and sets. I have full confidence that my pressing stregnth will increase, and I’ll bet that I’ll be pressing 65 w/in a month!

Then were the planks. . . the new dirty word in my vocabulary! I swear it will be a miracle if I can sit up tomorrow morning! They hurt SO GOOD!

Well, that’s my update for the day 🙂 Back to the schoolwork. . . .

Costa Rican Coffee & PR’s!

Yesterday was a GOOD Day!! The day started off w/ one of my favorite benchmark WOD’s at 6am: “Nancy”. This WOD is 15 OH Squats at 65lb and 400 meter runs – 5 rounds for time. I finished in 14’52” which is a full 4 minutes faster than my previous PR! Pic to the left is of one of my squats . . . not quite at the bottom of my range. I do see that I’m coming off my heels a little though, so I need to work on that next time!

Then, on the drive home from CC Crossfit, I saw this amazing sunrise. Talk about a perfect start to a day! I LOVE South Texas 🙂

Got home from my workout, and made some YUMMY Scrambled eggs (using 1 whole egg + 4 whites). Cut up some peppers and onions from Wednesday nights stir fry into my eggs, and they turned out AWESOME! AND a friend brought me some Costa Rican Coffee earlier in the week that is ABSOLUTELY AMAZING . . This stuff is like liquid velvet in my mouth, I swear – it’s to die for!

Then had a really productive day at work – got a ton done. . .and then buckled down w/ the schoolwork. All in all, a very, very good day 🙂

Not a Weiner

So Jamie and I bought $10 worth of Mega Millions Tickets last night on a whim since the Jackpot is up to some kind of crazy amount over $250Mil . . . and am devastated to announce that we are not wieners. . . lol 🙂

I got 9 hours of sleep last night, and it felt A-Freaking-Mazing!!

Up this morning at 5am for 6 O’Clock Crossfit – had my favorite WOD on the board when I walked in, so I knew it was gonna be a GOOD DAY!
WOD involved Pullups, Situps, and Walking Lunges. I have super fast sit-ups, and my walking lunges are fast too b/c of my looong legs 🙂 My pullups really slowed me down this morning though. Couldn’t seem to get the rythem right. The first set I got abotu 5-6 in a row, but after that I was only getting 2-3 at a time, and then just singles, so it really slowed me down.

Posted a time of 14’45” which I was okay with, but got home and checked, and my previous time was 14’08”, so I definitely need to do more pullups to get them back up to speed!

Having a productive day at work today (got to LOVE those!)

Planning on taking the evening off from schoolwork so that I can unpack my luggage (yes from the trip that I returned from LAST WEEK!! – I’m so bad about that stuff). . . and do some laundry and just give my brain a break!

Hope to be in bed by 9 tonight so that I can get 8 hours of sleep before CrossFit tomorrow morning.
Planning to cook Fajita steak, peppers, onions, and tomatoes for dinner tonight w/ a little Guac on the side. . YUMMY!
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Oatmeal Pancakes and Lack of Sleep

Okay, so last night I ended up pulling an all-nighter in order to complete my comprehensive project in my Master’s Class which was supposed to be due by midnight Arizona Time. . . I ended up finally finishing it about 7am CST and submitting it – I may get a few points deducted for the tardiness, but at least the system let me submit it 🙂

I had only gotten 3 hours of sleep the night before b/c of coursework deadlines, so to say I was a royal bi-atch this morning would be a complete and total understatement. . . even the puppies were hiding!

I plugged through the first hour of work, but then had to take a quick power nap – I do NOT function on zero sleep – will never try that again!

After a 2 hour nap and a shower I felt like a new women – got up and got back to work.

Bummed that I missed CF this morning, but I can only do so much, and I have to recognize my limitations, and prioritize the completion of my degree over my CF addiction right now 🙁

After work, I decided to try to make some of those oatmeal pancakes that I’ve been buying from Molly’s Friend, Mary. She makes these pancakes that are TO DIE FOR with oatmeal, egg whites, bananas, and sometimes some all-fruit perserves.

I experimented by combining the following:

  • 1 small banana
  • 1/2 cup Organic Unsweetened Applesauce
  • Dash Vanilla Extract
  • 8 Egg Whites
  • 2 Whole Egs
  • 1 Scoop Cinamon Roll BSN Lean Dessert Protein Powder
  • 2 Cups Old Fashioned Rolled Oats, Dry
  • a Crap-Ton of ground cinamon
  • 2 packets of Stevia

I mashed the bananas up really good w/ the applesauce and vanilla, and then beat them till they were frothy w/ a mixer. I then let the mixture sit on the counter for about an hour to get warm (the applesauce was cold from being in teh fridge).
I then beat the egg whites and eggs till they were “thick”
Next, I mixed together the banana/apple mixture w/ the egg mixutre, and then stirred in my dry ingredients, which I had already combined.
I let this concoction sit for about 20 minutes so that the oats would absorb some of the moisture, and the “batter” would thiken up. Next I pre-heated a couple of skillets on super low heat, rubbed them w/ some olive oil, and proceded to make pancakes. The entire batch made 9 good-sized pancakes, and I figured out the following Macro Breakdown per Pancake:

  • Calories: 139
  • Fat: 3g
  • Carbs: 20g
  • Sugar: 5g
  • Fiber: 3g
  • Protein: 10g

Not too shabby! These things are great frozen. Then in the morning, I just pop one in the toaster on my way out the door (usually for 2 cycles), and then NOM on it while driving down the road to Crossfit at Oh Dark Thirty!
Here are pics of my experiment! (I couldn’t resist. . . .already ate 1 of them, hence ony 8 in the pics . . . ):

I’m getting ready to clean up the kitchen, and then hit the bed by 7:30 tonight to try to catch up on a little sleep.


Night All!

When Schoolwork interferes w/ Working Out!

I’m taking a quick mental break from the paper and figured I’d post a quick update 🙂

I was up until 3:30am this morning working on schoolwork, and consequently missed CrossFit this morning. I hate it when I miss a morning workout because it just throws my whole day off! I’m so exauhsted that I can barely see straight, but my Master’s Class officially ends tonight, and I have a cumulative project worth 25% of my entire grade that I must turn in before midnight PST. Trying not to let the time pressure get to me . . staying positive and just plugging away to the best of my ability.

I can tell that it’s going to be another 3-4am night and I’m PISSED that I’m going to miss CrossFit AGAIN tomorrow morning, but I’ve got to put my schoolwork ahead of my fitness pursuits . . . .trying to be a responsible adult and all . .

Anyway, had a fairly busy day at work today. I made time on my lunch break to call Allstate and file claims for BOTH vehicles that I wrecked. . . . The first girl that I spoke with told me that I would have to pay the full deductible for both vehicles. . . That was going to SERIOUSLY hurt the pocketbook! I told her that I’d discuss it with my husband and call back after we had worked out the finances. When I called back an hour later, I got a different representative. She checked our account, and it turns out that we have something called “Platinum Coverage”, and because we haven’t ever filed a claim before, our deductibles on both vehicles for this incident would be waived! Additionally, our insurance rates would not go up, as long as we maintained Platinum Coverage, and did not have another accident. . . . can you say HAPPY DANCE!?!?!?

After getting off the phone w/ Allstate, I nuked a bag of broccoli and heated up some chicken that I cooked this weekend, and had a very satisfying lunch:

Baked Chicken w/ Garlic, Rosemary, Basil, Oregano, and Red Pepper Flakes & Broccoli drizzled w/ Olive Oil and sprinkled w/ Slivered Almonds . . . NUMMY!!!
Got off work, went straight into schoolwork, thought my eyes were going to fall out of my head, took a 15 minute power nap, got up, and back to the schoolwork. Breaked for a dinner of Steak & Spinach Salad w/ tomatoes, onions, cucumbers, avocados, and HB egg. . . then back to schoolwork again.
And here I am! Well, gonna end it here and get back to this paper. Will be SO happy after this is submitted as it will signify the end of the Master’s Level class that has been kicking my butt for 12 weeks now. I will have one more HUGE comprehensive project in another class to complete by Wednesday, and then will have a few days off before my final 3 classes start on Sept 1st 🙂
Night All!

Kick-off of 8 Week Paleo Challenge!

I had such GREAT success with the 8 week Paleo Challenge that I did with the Alamo Crossfit Crew that I decided to start one of my own!

During my last challenge, I was strict Paleo (w/ the exception of steel cut oatmeal each morning) from June 1 through July 26th. In the process, I dropped 15 lbs of fat and 3 inches off my hips, and all of my PR’s improved. Additionally, I felt awesome and had very few cravings for crap! I FINALLY found a healthy way of eating that I can stick to and not feel deprived!

I stayed pretty strict Paleo w/ an occasional cheat after the challenge ended, up until last week at my parents house. Last Wednesday, I went out to dinner with a girlfriend, and CHOWED on some killer Mexican food at Abuelo’s. . . followed by an ice cream at Cold Stone Creamery! I had every intention of jumping right back on the wagon, but proceded to continue with cheats over the next week. Bagles, Beans, Cheese, and Chocolate – you name it – I ate it!

As any idiot would deduce – this led to feeling like CRAP! Why do we do this to ourselves when we know what the end result will be??

Before I get into the details of my challenge, I’ve got to post a picture of the food porn that I gorged myself with last night, as a send-off to my non-paleo week of hell:

That would be a juciy Jr. Cheeseburger Deluxe, HOT, FRESH and CRISPY Wendy’s french fries (w/ the obligatory ketchup of course!!!), a Coke Classic, and an Oreo McFlurry from McDonalds. . . yes, that’s right folks . . the Wendy’s ice cream machine was broken so I drove my happy ass to Micky D’s to get my final ice cream fix!!

While I do have to admit that this all tasted heavenly in my homework/stress induced feeding frenzy at 11 pm, I definitely paid the price! I feel like HELL this morning. . . .and am thrilled to be back on the Paleo Wagon!

So, here are the details of my Paleo Challenge:

  • Dates: August 24th – October 17th (8 weeks)
  • Vices: Oatmeal & Protein Powder
  • Incentive: $2 per strict Paleo Day, $1 per PR (Lift or CF Benchmark), and $5 per week that I complete all scheduled training sessions (5 sessions Oly Lifting, 5 CF WODS, & 3 CF Endurance WODS) added to “splurge” pot.
  • Penalty for Cheating: I do not plan to cheat. I will not cheat. However if some freakish thing happens and I do happen to eat so much as one bite of a non-paleo item that is not one of my vices, I will be forced to empty my “splurge pot” with no chance of earning back the money lost.
  • At the end of the challenge, I will take the money in my “splurge pot” . . . and SPLURGE on something totally off-the-wall that I would typically not treat myself to – like a really nice pair of jeans or something along those lines

So basically, I will eat strict Paleo with the exception of oatmeal. I have made this modification because the goal is to follow a nutrition program that works for me, improves my performance, and is something that I can live with for the rest of my life. I have learned through trial and error that I am NOT gluten sensitive, and that my energy levels hit ROCK BOTTOM mid-day if I do not eat 1/4 cup of oatmeal in the morning. Additionally, I start gassing out mid-WOD because I simply run out of fuel.
Regarding the Protein Powder – some consider this acceptable under Paleo Eating and others say it’s a “no-no”. I don’t really care what anyone else says – again, I’m doing what works for me, and I have found that there is no better recovery food for me personally than mashed sweet potatoes & protein powder! Recovery time is the only time that I will use PP though.
Potential “PitFalls”:

  • Business Meeting in late Sept (will have to deal with airports, travel, and “social events” while staying strict paleo; will have to take substantial amount of paleo food w/ me; will have to deal with peer pressure of all of my co-workers to “eat something”)
  • Oly Lifting Cert in San Antonio mid-Oct (will have to deal w/ travel and “social events” while staying strict paleo; should be easier than business meetings b/c will be around other “health-oriented” people)
  • Final month of college classes is September and I’m taking 3!! – this will cause significant stress and long nights of study. My coping mechanism for stress has always been food, and I like to reward myself after the completion of a difficult assignment with ice cream. I need to break this cycle of rewarding good behavior with food.

Goals for Paleo Challenge:

  • I don’t have any specific goals such as “drop x # of lbs”
  • My goal is to remain strict Paleo the entire 8 weeks without a single cheat
  • I also hope to increase PR’s and cut body fat so that I’m at my ideal “fighting weight” by the end of the challenge

So that’s it! Wish me luck! I’ll be posting pics of my yummy Paleo Eats over the next 8 weeks, commenting about my energy levels and performance gains or losses, and probably doing a little bit of whining in the first week too!

Stress is at Max Levels!

Okay, so today started off with me making the most bone-headed move EVER! I mean this was like Epic bonehead stuff that you only see in the movies . . .

I decided to get up early and knock out my grocery shopping before getting into my schoolwork for the day b/c the grocery store is typically really empty on Sunday mornings. I jump in my car, open the garage door, throw it in reverse, and hit the gas. . . .went about 2 feet before I was suddenly jolted to a stop with a loud “CRUNCHing” sound . . . . NOT GOOD!!!

I look in the rear view mirror to see my hubby’s pretty new Tahoe sitting outside in the driveway w/ my rear fender imbedded into it’s front fender . . . CRAP!!! Since when does he park in the driveway?!?!?! He ALWAYS parks his “baby” in the garage!! Guess I should have noticed it wasn’t there when I had gotten into my car a few minutes earlier . . .

Then comes Jamie running out the door and he just went white. . so I knew it wasn’t pretty 🙁

Leave it to me to go and wreck two of my own cars at the same time.

So yep, we’re going to have to get them both fixed. . . . and pay two SEPERATE deductibles . . . YAY ME!!!

Pics of the damage:

So I go grocery shopping, come home, sit down to schoolwork, and am working on my assignments, when I notice the end date for my Master’s level class is 8/24/09 – that’s TOMORROW!!!!! CRAP!!!! I thought it ran until the end of the month – 8/31/09. So now I’ve got less than 48 hours to turn in all of the rest of the assignements. . . . I forsee two all-nighters in my future
So just for the heck of it, I check on the other class, which I was nearly positive ended 8/31. . . NOPE . . that bad boy ends on 8/26/09. . . I’m SO SCREWED!!
But I will remain positive – going to buckle down and knock out as much as I possibly can. I have requested extensions, but there is absolutely no guarantee that I can get them . . . wish me luck!
For obvious reasons, I’ll likely be MIA from the blog until 8/27 once I’ve turned in all of my work for these two classes. .

Pics from CrossFit Chesapeake

Okay, so I mentioned in my post on Friday about visiting CrossFit Chesapeake while in VA. Those guys ROCK!! I’ve posted a few pics below of some of the “fun” I had “playing” with them. . . . Good times!

Sasha telling me to get a move on!

Um . . yeah . . THAT’s a pretty face! lol
Last set of Pullups w/ Bryan

Back Again. . . yeah, I know . . . it’s been a while!

Okay, so I decided to start my blog back up b/c I’m getting serious about training for the Crossfit Games 2010 and I’d like some place to track my progress, make notes about workouts, meals, and vent when I’m sore or frustrated without pulling down a friend or my hubby!

So here we go 😉

Since January a lot has changed, and I’m not detailing it all b/c I doubt if anyone will be still checking in from TDP or “back in the day” when I was training for figure competitions.

To Summarize:

  • I found the Paleo Diet, and LOVE IT!
  • I eat strictly Paleo 99% of the time with the exception of 1/4 cup of steel cut oats every morning. I modified the diet to work for me and my energy levels, and feel better than I ever have, and don’t feel even a little bit deprived!
  • Started my Paleo way of life with an 8 week “challenge” that ran from June through July 2009 – I came in second place, but ate strict paleo every day of that 8 weeks (w/ exception of oatmeal), and dropped 15 lbs of fat in the process and 3 inches off my hips 😉 The weight and inches have stayed off since.
  • I am now eating for performance and not for physique. The physique is following nicely, but I am not measuring anything – I’m eating strict paleo choices, Zoning most of my meals/snacks (via eyeballing method!), and eating when I’m hungry – usually every 3-4 hours, but not always
  • My PR’s have been steadily increasing since going Paleo
  • I am currently CrossFitting at CCCrossfit (http://www.cccrossfit.com/ ) 3 days on, 1 off, 2 on, 1 off
  • I started Olympic Lifting 5 days a week w/ Molly, Pam, and Eduardo at CCCrossfit about 6 months ago, and this replaced my “standard” lifting in the gym

Okay, now for a little update on my life outside of just the workout/nutrition stats 😉

  • Still in School, but graduate either end of Sept or Oct!!!! SWAMPED and STRESSED right now, but all of this will be over soon!!
  • Attended the Crossfit Games in Aromas this year with Molly and the Alamo Crossfit Crew (http://www.alamocrossfit.com/ ) – had a blast and got a fire lit under my butt! I Want to Compete next year, and am going to do EVERYTHING in my power to make that happen!!
  • Recently went home to VA for 2 weeks for personal reasons, and had the IMMENSE pleasure of training (O-lifting) under Coach Wilkes and his boys (Cody, Coard, and Caine) at Chesapeake Crossfit while I was there (http://www.chesapeakecrossfit.com/ <—check data-blogger-escaped-out=”” data-blogger-escaped-span=”” data-blogger-escaped-them=””>!!)
  • Also had the pleasure of WODing with the AWESOME group of people (Brad, Andre, Grant, Brandon, JRock, Austin . . . ) at Sparta Fitness Crossfit while I was there – another great affiliate in the Hampton Roads Area (http://www.spartafitness.com/ )
  • Back home in TX now with a more well-rounded and diverse view of all things CrossFit!!

I’ll be posting tomorrow with a list of short term and long term goals, and my “plan of attack” that I will implement in order to accomplish them.
I’ll then be posting regularly w/ random thoughts, workout times and weights, meal ideas, pictures, and whatever else spills out of my head!