Summary of where I’m at and how I’m feeling, and how my 2 week post-op follow-up appointment went.
Category: Rest and Recovery
Hip Surgery Recovery Day 15 – Supplements
I was bored out of my mind this weekend, so I played with some new video editing software. I wanted to link to the different products that I reference with clickable buttons in the video, but couldn’t figure out how to do that. . .
This video is a summary of the supplements and a few dietary changes that I’ve made since breaking my hip for the 2nd time, and being diagnosed with Osteopenia .. at the age of 39!
Links to Products/Companies referenced in Video:
Traughber Nutrition:
Vitamin D+K Drops:…
Desiccated Liver Capsules:… Fermented Kale Powder:… Hydrolyzed Collagen:…
Carlson’s Cod Liver Oil:…
TX Chainring Massacre + Broken Hip Days 1-3.
Well, my TX Chainring Massacre race with the A’s was going pretty good. . . . until it wasn’t 🙁
I hung on with the A leaders for a bit, but eventually got popped and settled in with a strong chase group. Kim Petite (Papa John’s Pro Cycling) and Kae Takeshita (Panaracer Pro Cycling) had hung in with the A leaders a bit longer than I had, so I was sitting 3rd for the bulk of the race. The chase group I was with caught Kae with ~20? miles to go, and I was gunning hard for 2nd place, with an anticipated worst case scenario of 3rd. . . . and then, with 5 miles remaining in the 65 mile race, we took a corner a tad hot, and several in my group (myself included) washed out. I remember my exact thought process as my wheels were sliding out from under me. . .
It was a really minor wash out, and I wasn’t even remotely thinking about how much this was going to hurt or about the actual ground impact at all. It was such a minor, run of the mill slide out, that I was already thinking about how quickly I could pop back onto my bike and chase back on before I even hit the ground. As soon as I stopped sliding I went to pop up, and immediately knew something was horribly wrong. I had the exact same searing/shooting/unbearable pain radiating from my left hip that I had experienced back on August 26th when I fractured my Iliac Crest in the sprint finish pileup at the Driveway Series. I knew right away that I’d broken my hip again – there was absolutely zero question in my mind whatsoever. I assumed at the time that I’d re-fractured the same spot, but X-rays later revealed that my original fracture was still 100% fully intact and completely unaffected and in no way contributed to this new injury, which turned out to be a break of my femoral neck.
Back to the actual crash though – as soon as I realized I was fucked and that there was absolutely NO WAY that I was getting back on my bike, I immediately encouraged everyone else that had wiped out along with me and was scrambling to get back onto their bikes to JUST GO. I didn’t want anyone losing position because of me, and I was pretty sure I could drag/hobble myself and my bike to the edge of the road and use my cell to call for help. Two of the guys would have none of it though, and insisted on staying to help me get to the side of the road. In hindsight, I’m really, really glad that they did, because I don’t think there is any way that I could have done it on my own. I was in excruciating pain. Once seated on the side of the road, I called my husband at the start/finish line, and he alerted Kevin (race director), who sent his wife out to pick me up in their truck. The guys that had helped me relocate offered to stay with me until a ride arrived, but there was absolutely nothing further that they could do to help me, so insisted that they finish their race, and after arguing with me for a few minutes, they realized that I was more stubborn and hard-headed then both of them combined, and reluctantly rode away.
I spent ~30 minutes on the side of the road waiting for my ride to arrive, and was trying to do anything possible to keep my mind off the pain or thoughts about my season going down the shitter. . . I was positioned very visibly at a sharp turn in the course, so I took on the role of cheerleader and course guide, yelling to riders who were going to miss the turn, and cheering on those who looked like they could use an encouraging word. I actually had a good bit of fun sitting there in the sun, and was glad for the distraction 🙂
When Jan (Kevin’s wife) arrived with their pickup truck, it was clear that getting into it was going to be quite a production. . . I could barely move, and at this point could put absolutely no weight at all into my left leg, or twist my torso at all without pain so severe that it brought a scream from me that I hope to never hear again. Fortunately, two other guys saw our trouble, and stopped to help load me into the truck. Being unable to twist or move, I ended up riding the ~25 minutes back to the start/finish on bumpy gravel roads in the passenger seat, facing the rear of the truck, with my knees on the edge of the seat, my face plastered against the headrest, and my butt up against the dashboard/windshield. . . I’m sure that we were QUITE the sight!
We made it back to the Start/Finish, and Jan Bennet, Kevin, Jan, and my hubby Jamie helped get me moved from the truck to the floor of our van. This was also quite the production, and took about an hour with no shortage of dirty words and screams slipping from my lips in the process . . . once settled in the van, Jamie and I decided that we’d drive the ~3.5 hours back to Austin, and go to an ER close to home. As I mentioned, I was positive that my hip was broken, and assumed that I’d likely be required to stay overnight (although I was really hoping that I’d escape surgery again).
The 3 hour ride from Valley View to Georgetown was one of the most painful 3 hours of my life so far. EVERY bump in the road, change in momentum, or sway of the van caused me to shift my body weight, resulting in another surge of excruciating pain. By the time we got to Georgetown, Jamie made the executive decision to go ahead and call uncle for me rather than drive the additional ~45 minutes to Austin. We checked into St. David’s Georgetown, where they took X-rays, started an IV with pain meds (OH THANK GOD), and determined that I had a displaced fracture of the Femoral Neck that would require surgery. They recommended that I be transferred by EMS to St. David’s Round Rock so that Dr. Laverty (one of the best surgeons/hip specialists in Austin) could perform my surgery the next morning.
Upon arriving at St. David’s RR, Dr. Laverty reviewed my X-rays and discussed my options with me. He said that there were 3 ways this could go: 1) A Hip Replacement 2) A hip repair with Open Reduction Surgery 3) A hip repair with Closed Reduction Surgery. He explained that a hip replacement was not a viable option for someone of my age and activity level, because the metal of the ball would wear my socket out, and I would likely require 4-5 more hip replacements throughout my life, which is obviously not an option. He then explained that he was going to attempt to repair the break with a closed reduction surgery, which would include a ~3 inch incision, and screwing the femur back to the ball joint so that it could heal, but he also said that it was likely that he’d have to make a bigger incision and cut through some muscles and tendons in an Open Reduction Surgery in order to make the necessary repairs. Obviously, recovery time after a Closed Reduction Surgery is much less than required after an Open Reduction Surgery, so we were all keeping our fingers crossed that it could be repaired via Closed Reduction, but also well aware that this wasn’t very likely.
Surgery was performed Sunday morning around 10am, and I woke up around Noon to the WONDERFUL news that he was able to complete the surgery with a Closed Reduction! 🙂
Rather than re-type all of the details of my first 3 days (spent in the hospital), I’ve embedded my FB updates from this time period below.
The Comeback . . . a not so short story!
On the road trip from Austin, TX to Borrego Springs, CA this year for the 12 Hour World Time Trial Championship, I found myself struggling with many conflicting thoughts and emotions.
I’d had a lot of time with my thoughts the past few months, since fracturing my pelvis the first weekend in August. Before the accident, we a full block of adventure right around the corner: Road-Tripping it up to Colorado for the CO Classic with Swisse Femme Equipe, then heading over to VT for the Race to the Top of VT and the Green Mountain Stage Race, then swinging through MD and VA to visit both our families before racing the Pisgah Monster Cross Challenge along the Blue Ridge Parkway in the Pisgah National Forest.
I’d been looking forward to that trip all year. My coach and I had been carefully managing my training and racing efforts in order to peak me for this late season block of racing, and I can honestly say that my fitness was at the highest point it’s ever been. Then “it” happened. A split second in the sprint finish of a weekly Crit that I race every single week – things went sideways in front of me, I went over my handlebars, and BOOM. Fractured Pelvis. Instant change of plans. No more CO. No more VT. Not visit to Mom and Dad. No shredding gravel along the Blue Ridge Parkway. All of that planning, carefully honed fitness and “peaking”. Out. The. Window. In the blink of an eye. On top of that, I’d really hoped to compete in the Zwift Academy again this year, and maybe even make it to the finals (after juuust barely missing them last year!), but I certainly wouldn’t be smashing trainer workouts out of the park, setting a new FTP, or TTing off the front of virtual races with a busted hip.
Those that know me personally can tell you – I’m about as Type A as they get. I categorize myself as Type A+. I am a planner. I LOVE planning. I do not like “rolling with the punches“, “flying by the seat of my pants“, “winging it” or “going with the flow“. . . .these things just don’t compute for me and my Type A, analytical brain. Sometimes life has a way of forcing you into the most uncomfortable places in order to initiate growth though. Maybe not growth as an athlete, but growth as a human being. More Patience. More Tolerance for the unknown and unpredictable. Learning how to slow down, enjoy living in the moment, and just rolling with the punches and going with the flow.
After fracturing my hip, I was non weight-bearing for a full 6 weeks. No exercise of any kind allowed, because my fracture extended from my illiac crest to just shy of my hip socket, and if I “pushed it”, the fracture could extend into the socket, causing displacement, and requiring surgery to correct. . .so you’d better believe that I followed Dr’s Orders 1,000%, and then some.
It was NOT easy though. Mentally, I felt like a basket case. Take someone that is fiercely independent, consistently getting 2+ hours of endorphins through training EVERY SINGLE DAY, and rip that right out from under them. Put them flat in a bed, unable to so much as sit up without assistance for a full week. . . needing assistance to drag a useless leg via walker 10 steps to the bathroom – needing assistance to sit down and then stand back up, and then needing assistance to get back into bed. That lasted for a week. . .but even once I was somewhat “self-sufficient” again, I had to keep ALL weight off my left leg, which meant dragging that stupid walker, and then after a while crutches, around with me EVERYWHERE. I couldn’t just run to the kitchen to grab a glass of water really quick between meetings. It was a 5 minute pain-filled excursion every time I stood up to do anything.
Then, when I started to feel better – still dependent on crutches and non-weight bearing, it got even worse. . .every fiber of my being craved exercise and endorphins. I was eating ~2,000 calories of nutrient dense food a day even because I knew this was necessary in order to fuel the healing that was taking place inside my body. . but I watched as my hips, midsection and thighs grew in circumference and got “soft”, and there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it. Cutting calories was not an option, because this would delay healing.
Complicating matters, I struggle with clinical depression and anxiety, and in my day-to-day life, I have it 100% under control through exercise, clean eating, and medication. . .I 100% forget it even exists and is a non-issue 99% of the time in “normal” life. But again – rip away my exercise and endorphins, and you’ve pulled 50% of my comping mechanisms out from under me. . add to that the weight gain and quickly diminishing fitness. . . . let’s just say that I was not a happy camper, and not fun to live with at all during this 6 week period.
AS SOON AS I was cleared to be weight bearing and get back on my bike though, I rolled up my sleeves and, working with Phil & Blaze at The Training Room, and my coach, Matt Seagrave, we did everything humanly possible to remedy the atrophy, strengthen my hip, and bring my fitness back up as much as possible in the 5 weeks that remained before the WTTC.
The first 4 weeks back on the bike were excruciatingly painful, from a patience perspective more than anything. I began to realize just how much fitness I’d lost. . . . I could barely pedal my bike without my HR skyrocketing and remaining pegged. . . my left leg quad was ~1 inch smaller in circumference than my right, and my L/R power output was 40%/60%. I had a LOT of work to do, but the caveat was that I couldn’t rush it without setting myself back to square one. It was so very hard for me to get on my trainer and just spin super easy for an hour per day. SO HARD. Harder than any max effort intervals or FTP test I’ve ever done.
My first outdoor ride with teammate Chelsea ended with me seated with my Slurpee outside of a 7-11, and entirely unable to stand up! This is friendship, people! Sacrificing your ride plans to ride at a sloth’s pace with your broken friend on her first ride outside in 7 weeks, and then breaking out your phone to film paparazzi-style the joyous laughter at the end of the ride. . . despite my inability to return to standing. . . that was the best ride I’d had all year!
Help! I’ve Fallen, and I can’t get up! <– Click this link for Video to go w/ that soundbite.
For 4 weeks after being allowed to resume weight bearing, I wasn’t allowed to ride more than 1 hour at a time because my left leg would fatigue quickly, and as it fatigued, I’d rely more and more on my right leg, reinforcing poor form and imbalance. I had to get in more than 1 hour a day though. . .my fitness was IN THE TOILET (see pic below), and I had to get some volume back in order to start bringing my fitness back. This meant DAILY 2-a-days. . . getting up at 5am to knock out an hour before work. Working my 9-10 hours. Forcing myself to take an hour lunch break 3 x per week to go to The Training Room for PT. Getting off work, and knocking out another hour. Getting off the trainer, and doing 30 minutes of at home PT stretches. I was exhausted. I was grateful to be getting a regular dose of endorphins again, but spinning super easy on a trainer & doing 40 minutes of 1 leg drills a day is NOT exactly my idea of fun on my bike. I began to dread my training sessions. I didn’t want to get up at the crack of dawn to sit on a bike and spin easy. I didn’t want to get back on the damn trainer at 7pm after a long-ass, exhausting day of work and spin easy again. I wanted to WORK & what I was doing did not feel like work. But I stuck with “the plan” because I was DETERMINED to line up to race on October 27th.
On October 6th. . . 21 days before I’d be lining up to race a 12 Hour World Championship TT, I was FINALLY cleared to ride 2.5 hours in a single shot on my bike. It was glorious!! Granted, my fitness still sucked, and I couldn’t hold sh*t for power – but that 2.5 hours outside on my bike did my mind and heart a world of good, and reminded me how much I loved to train and ride.
The next week (Oct 8 – 14), we gradually increased my volume and intensity to see how my body responded. To my delight, my power #s started to come back up, while my avg HR came down. Still nowhere remotely close to my “peak”, but I started to actually believe that I might be able to “race” the full 12 hours! At this point, it was still painful to walk, so I was still using crutches to get around, but it didn’t hurt to ride my bike, so my saddle was my happy place, and I went from dreading those dang trainer workouts to looking forward to my daily training rides again 🙂
The next week, we left TX for the 2 day road trip to CA on Thursday. We laid over in Las Cruces Thursday evening, and I had an “easy 1 hour spin @ 160W” on my trainer. I set it up next to the van in the parking lot – the weather was beautiful – breezy and ~55 degrees. I jumped on my bike and started to pedal, but my legs were full of crap! I thought surely I must have a brake rubbing. . . . jumped off the bike and checked. . nope! WTH?!? Get back on. Start pedaling again. 120W and I’m sweating. Suck it up, take it up to 160W but I swear it feels like I’m pushing 200+. After just a few minutes, I’m sweating buckets – literally dripping from every sweat gland in my body. . and my HR is MUCH higher than it should be for 160W. By the time I finished the hour, I felt like I’d ridden 50+ miles at tempo. And the monkeys in my head started going nuts. . . .all of the doubts came rushing back in. What was I thinking? Why was I dragging Jamie all the way out to CA for this race when my body clearly wasn’t ready? Was I even going to be able to ride 6 hours? I went to bed discouraged with a heavy heart and legs.
Friday the 19th we drove from Las Cruces, NM to Borrego Springs, CA. After clearing Border Patrol about 45 minutes outside of BS, we turned onto the familiar road that led us into town. I was off work at this point in the afternoon, sitting in the passenger seat, gazing out the window, and remembering the thoughts/feelings/emotions swirling through my head a year earlier.
As we had descended into BS in 2017, I was full of desire, hope, optimism, and dreams. Earlier in the year I’d won my first National TT Championship (Master’s Nats). I’d gone on to win the TX State W P12 and Age Group Road Race Championships, and had just found out that I’d been selected as a Semi-Finalist for the 2017 Zwift Academy. My fitness was at an all-time high, and the world was my oyster. I had visions of winning the 12 Hour World TT Championship, and then being whisked off to Spain for Training Camp with Canyon/SRAM, and racing my way through Europe in 2018 dancing through my head.
In contrast, as we descended into Borrego Springs this year, I was fighting back feelings of insufficiency and fear. I was the defending 12 Hour World Champion, and wanted nothing more than to defend my title, and prove to myself that I could come back yet again, but the realist in me knew how unlikely winning the World Championship this year would be. I believed it was possible, but had hundreds of doubts swarming around me like flies that I had to keep swatting away. I didn’t want to let myself down. I didn’t want to let my coach down, who had worked so hard alongside of me to rebuild my fitness. I didn’t want to let my husband down, who had been SO supportive through yet another setback, and put up with my horrible mood swings resulting from lack of endorphins, and was driving me the 18 hours each way to defend my title. Friends and Family had been texting, calling, and posting on FB for weeks to reassure me that I could do this. . . but I had this sinking feeling that I was about to disappoint everyone.
We finally arrived at our AirBnb, unpacked, and Jamie and I went for a #BikeDate. I finally felt the blanket of pressure and fear start to lift. The weather was beautiful. I was here in this perfect place with my husband and our bikes, and I didn’t have to work for the entire week. I could ride my bike as much as I wanted. My hip was healed enough that I could walk without crutches *almost* pain free. My legs felt SO much better than they had the night before on the trainer in Las Cruces. It was going to be okay. Blue Skies, Sunshine, Wind in my hair, and a bike date w/ my hubby was all I needed. #Nevernotsmiling, #happyhappyhappy, Optimistic Little Miss Sunshine was back!
The week of Oct 22nd, I did most of my training rides on the TT course – getting to know wind direction, false flat sections, etc. I also got the chance to ride up Montezuma (The Glass Elevator) and Yaqui Pass while I was out there and loved EVERY SINGLE MINUTE of those breathtaking rides! Jamie and I went on several bike dates, and also made it out to The Spandex Stampede in Temecula and had fun hanging out w/ Tadd and Brett of Atom Composites for the afternoon, and learning more about the CA Gravel Scene!
Maddy, a friend that I guest rode w/ JL Velo at Redlands with, came up with a friend Thursday night, and we had a blast hanging out and catching up on Friday.
Friday afternoon rolled around, and I was relieved to feel a sense of peace about the race the next day. While I can’t lie and say that I didn’t want to win (I mean, c’mon. . it’s a bike race!), I didn’t feel that sense of dread or pressure that I’d felt as we’d driven into town the week before. I was thankful for the simple fact that I was able-bodied enough to be in CA, riding my bike up mountains, and lining up to race a 12 Hour TT just 12 short weeks after breaking my friggin hip! LOL
And you know what? My coach & I had done a pretty dang good job of ramping my fitness back up given the limited amount of time that we had to work with, and the many injury-related restrictions that he had to work around. . . so I was going to go out there and give it everything I had, and wherever that placed me at the end of the day, I knew i’d walk away content, having given it 100% of what my body had to give it.
So how did the race go? Well, my friends, family, and anyone that follows me on FB and IG already have the cliff notes version, but the full race report is coming tomorrow. Stay Tuned!
Zwift Academy Semi-Final Progress Update
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This pic is of me attempting to stand up after practically falling off my bike after winning the 12 Hour World Time Trial Championship Race…. let’s just say I’m glad that it wasn’t on video!! |
As promised, here’s a quick update on my Zwift Academy SemiFinal progress 😁.
The timing of the SemiFinals wasn’t ideal for me due to some previously scheduled racing commitments, but I sure as heck wasn’t going to let that stop me from participating!
I was signed up to Race the 12 Hour World Time Trial Championships on 11/04, which fell right in the middle of the 2 week Academy time frame. The race was in California, so my husband and I drove straight through (19 hours) on Sat 10/28, and rented a house for the week leading up to the race so that I could adjust to the time change, lack of humidity, and temps prior to race day. I work remotely (accounting) for an East Coast Company, so I was able to work my normal hours M-Th, and on PDT, that was 5am – 2pm. This meant early bed times but allowed a few beautiful afternoons for Taper rides & pre-riding the course. I took my Kickr with me, & knocked out the 2×12 min test SemiFinal workout on 11/01 so that I would only have to squeeze 6 in to the 2nd week. I recover very quickly from that type of effort, and felt fully recovered by race morning after taking it easy 11/02-03.
My coach flew in to help crew for me and we chatted strategy the day before the race. I really didn’t know the caliber of my competition, as I couldn’t just stalk their results on USAC or USAT because there was also a Rider from the UK & from Italy. We decided that I’d start out on the fast end of my 12 Hr effort level, while temps were cool, & he would monitor gaps. IF I built a decent gap over 2nd Place, he would step down my power gradually until I was holding the gap steady. The goal here was to do everything necessary to win, but nothing more, because we didn’t want to burn matches unnecessarily that I would need during my Zwift Academy Semi-Final workouts a few days later!
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World’s. Best. Coach. 🙂 |
You can read my 12 Hr World Time Trial Championship Race report, posted earlier today, here! (spoiler alert. . . I’m a freaking World Champion!! Still can’t believe it!)
The next morning, Nov 5th, we left CA and drove the 19 hours back home to Austin, TX straight through.
We got home at 5:30am Mon morning, and I slept until noon, & then got up and started prioritizing recovery with a foam roll session, CryoTherapy & Normatech Compression at CryoWellness, and a Sports Massage from Austin Massage Company focusing primarily on Myofacial Release & loosening up My IT bands, glutes, hips, & quads.
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Best Sports Massages in Austin at Austin Massage Company! (#FilteredAF Photo b/c I looked like death warmed over after that 18 hour drive. . ) |
Got a good night’s sleep last night, and I’m back to the grind this morning! Working till 4, then planning to knock out my 2nd Kickr SemiFinal Workout: Threshold Pulling! Wish me luck! I’m also planning to do this one using the Kickr in ERG mode (I usually control the power myself through gearing & cadence), so it will be interesting to see how this goes!
Photo/Video Recap of our time in Borrego Springs! (Pre-Race)
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You mean, I get to race my bike. . for 12 hours. . in THIS?!? YES, PLEASE! |
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Buster really liked the views at the host house! |
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No Dogs allowed on the couch at the AirBnb. . . .so Mommy snuggled on the floor w/ them 😉 |
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The view from my remote office this week isn’t too shabby! |
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Detailing my Speed Machine! No bug left behind. . . |
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NEW KIT DAY! ( Is this real life?!)
I Could Never Do That Podcast: D4 & I discussing our Master’s National Championship Wins!
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Austin, TX’s “Golden Girls” – Christie Tracy (your’s truly!) & Carolyn DeFoore (CD4) |
Carolyn DeFoore & I had the awesome opportunity to be interviewed by Carrie Sapp Barrett about our USA Cycling Master’s National Championship Adventures for her I Could Never Do That Podcast, and an article to follow in Austin Fit Magazine!
In Carrie’s own words:
“This week, it’s my long-awaited conversation with Austin’s Cycling Golden Girls, Carolyn Defoore and Christie Tracy. They both represented in a big way at this year’s USA Cycling Masters National Championships, bringing home a slew of medals including:
Christie Tracy (ATC Racing): Gold in the Time Trial Race, Silver in Road Race
Carolyn Defoore (Athlete Architecture): Gold in Road Race, Silver in Crit Race
In the conversation, which is an article in the September issue of Austin Fit Magazine, we talk about the differences between the different cycling disciplines, what it takes to be good at any or all of these specialties, the arduous physical and mental preparation, what it means to be a mentor for up-an-comers, and, most importantly, how to get over fears of failure and crashing.
Our Golden Girls spill it all and we celebrate their victories!”
Give it a listen here!:
BEMER Mat Testing!
I posted some teasers on my live Insta Stories last week about the BEMER Mat testing that I was doing, & promised a summary & Review to follow, so here it is!
If you missed the teasers, I performed a test where I completed a specific workout with 5 x 3 min max effort intervals. I did the workout before having used the BEMER mat, and then repeated it again a few days later immediately after a BEMER Mat session. The results speak for themselves (see chart below).
If you want more info, or to schedule a Demo for yourself, reach out to Sherri Kirklin (she can assist with setting you up with a BEMER Rep/Demo nationwide!)
I could see this having a profound impact on my ability to recovery between rides/races, and enabling me to up my Ultra training volume without riding myself into the ground!
Unplanned Rest Day
Okay, so I’ve officially got a nasty cold 🙁 I’ve been fighting it off since early this week, and it finally got the better of me.
Tossed and turned all night last night w/ the sweats and chills. . .hate that!
Sticking to a Paleo diet today, but not going to make the gym . . obviously.
Note regarding food today – I really feel crappy and have next to no appetite so I’m not going to get in the calories that I normally would, but I’m missing my workouts today too so It’s not like I need a lot of extra energy from the food anyway.
So far today:
8:30am – 2 mini fritattas, 4 oz Trop 50 OJ
late morning snack – 1 TB almond butter
12:00pm – 1 Lean Turkey Sausage Link, salad w/ spinach, tomato, onion, carrot, avocado, 1hb egg, and balsamic vinegar
Snacked througout afternoon on: 1 peach, 2 baked chicken tenders, 6 oz Trop 50 OJ
7:00pm – 6 inch Oven Roasted Chicken Breast sub
I know, the sub was totally not paleo, but I felt like total crap and really didn’t feel up to cooking anything, and being sick absolutely killed my willpower against starchy carbs 🙁 But I was good and got it w/ vinegar instead of mayo!