Asian Curried Poached Eggs and Kale in Bone Broth (Quick/Easy Breakfast Recipe)

Asian Curried Poached Eggs & Kale in Bone Broth (w/ a side of sweet potato hash)

I have got to be the worlds worst blogger – my posts are sporadic at best – but I am going to **attempt** to start posting “recipes” for some of the quick/easy meals that I throw together, at the request of a few of my friends. I put the word “recipes” in quotation marks because I would hardly call most of these actual recipes – they’re really just suggestions for combining several pre-made items that work well together. I’m busy. I very rarely have time to spend more than 10 minutes prepping my breakfasts, lunches, OR dinners. The exception to this is the 2 hours that I set aside each week on Saturday or Sunday to prep a ton of things that can then be “thrown together” to make meals later in the week.

Most of us know how good Homemade Bone Broth is for us, but many people don’t realize just how versatile it is! I’ve recently been introduced to the concept of broth for breakfast, and I’m in love with it. I no longer eat oatmeal or other warm and comforting breakfast porridge, so this warm bowl of comfort food was a nice warm-me-up-from-the-inside surprise on this chilly TX morning!

Asian Curried Poached Eggs and Kale in Bone Broth 


  • Bone Broth (Homemade is best – either chicken or beef will work)
  • 2 – 3 eggs (Cage Free / Organic / Farm Eggs preferred, but any eggs will do)
  • 1-2 tsp Coconut Aminos (or soy sauce if you’re not avoiding soy)
  • 1 Tb fat of choice (Ghee or Coconut Oil recommended) 
  • Kale – a few handfuls (I use the HEB Organics kale in a bag)
  • 1-2 tsp Asian Garlic Curry Powder (I get mine in the bulk bins at Central Market)
  • Sea Salt to taste(I use pink Himalayan coarse ground salt due to it’s superior mineral content)
  • Optional: 1 scoop Collagen Powder (doesn’t add taste/texture, but ups the protein and collagen content of the meal)


  • Heat Bone Broth and Coconut Aminos over medium heat in a small saucepan
  • Once it’s hot, whisk in collagen (if using), and then drop in 3 eggs and let them poach while sauteing Kale
  • On a separate burner, drop fat of choice onto a skillet, allow to melt, and then toss in a few handfuls of kale, stirring well to coat majority of it w/ fat.
  • Sprinkle some sea salt and curry powder to taste over kale, cover, and cook until wilted, stirring occasionally
  • Once eggs are poached to your liking (~5 minutes for slightly soft/runny yolks), place kale in the bottom of a bowl, spoon Poached Eggs on top of Kale, and pour broth on top, then stir to mix and enjoy!

I served mine this morning with a warmed up side of sweet potato hash that I had prepped over the weekend. If I hadn’t had that, I may have tossed a few chunks of Red or Yukon potato into the broth at the start to up the carb content 🙂

Whole30 Day 7 Video Log

I said Day 6, but it was actually Day 7.

And, to be honest, for several reasons that I won’t go into here, I’m pretty dang scared about the nodule biopsy results, but no amount of worrying or stressing about them will change them, so I’m just doing my best to stay positive until I get the results next Wednesday. . .

And OMG, I look exhausted in this video! Potential W30ers, take note, THIS is what the first week feels (and looks) like. . . but it really does turn around – just hang in there 🙂

Whole 30 – Day 3 Update

Here’s my Video Log. . . .forgive my awkwardness. . still getting used to the whole video camera thing!

As far as how my Whole30 is going, I’m actually quite shocked to say: “So Far, So Good!”

Day 1 was a breeze! I was expecting to be a ravenously hungry, sugar craving monster, but surprisingly I really wasn’t that hungry at all, and didn’t have ANY cravings on day 1 (see Video Log for more details).

Day 2 wasn’t half bad either. I have already fallen back in love with cooking and getting creative in the kitchen. I forgot how much fun it was to cook and “play with my food”! I did have a few pretty bad sugar cravings on Day 2 (after lunch, and after dinner), but survived them.

I’m going to attribute the ease of the first couple of days to the thorough prep work that I did this time around, and the fact that I fully committed to this bad boy up front – no if’s and’s or but’s. I’m in it to win it!

Here’s a run-down on the prep work that I did this past weekend in preparation for starting my Whole30:

I went grocery shopping, and using the Whole30 Shopping List as a guide, I stocked up on quality meats, eggs, lots of veggies, spices, and pantry items (coconut milk, oil, etc)

I bought some digestive enzymes, and have been taking 1 capsule just before each meal. My hope is that this will help me to improve absorption of the nutrients in my food, which I have been having “issues” with.

I bought some Jarro-Dophilus Allergen Free (Probiotics), and have been taking 1 capsule after lunch, and 1 capsule after dinner in order to help heal my gut and improve my digestion

I ordered the new SFH fish oil – The vitamin fortified Omega-3 oil for women, which is berry flavored, and has 3200mg EPA+DHA  and Vitamins A, D3, K2, B6, B12 and folic acid in 1 tsp. My hope is that this will help to improve some of my vitamin deficiencies, and reduce the inflammation that is most likely contributing to my inability to absorb nutrients in the first place, and causing me to have sore joints.

I “created” a really simple and DELICIOUS breakfast Frittata on Day 1, and cooked up a huge batch of sweet potato hash, and portioned it out, so I had pre-made breakfasts for 4 days. (Recipes for both to follow soon)

I also made a huge batch of cauliflower oven fried “rice” (modified from Mel Joulwan’s recipe here), enough coconut curry chicken with carrots, onions, and sweet potatoes in my Instant Pot for 4 meals (modified HEAVILY from the recipe found here). I also seasoned and browned some GF Ground Beef and pre-cut some veggies (cabbage, brussel sprouts) to make for easy dinner prep this week.

I pre-cut some snacking veggies (like jicama and carrots), purchased some Guac from Central Market, and bought some seedless grapes and raw almonds for snacking as well.

Finally, I made a batch of beef and chicken broth (in my Instant Pot, using this recipe from NomNom Paleo), and froze individual portions.

I’ll wrap this post up with a quick list of my go-to websites and blogs for Paleo information, support, and recipes. . . I’ve had a few friends ask me where I get my recipes, so I figured it would be easy to just refer everyone to this blog post moving forward!

  • – An AMAZING resource – tons and tons of useful info, tips and tricks, recipes, and most importantly, a VERY supportive community
  • – run by Mel Joulwan, author of my go-to Paleo Cookbooks Well Fed and Well Fed 2 – this website archives a ton of free recipes that she has graciously put online, and also has some really great info!
  • – great recipe site!
  • – another great site for recipes – I especially love her Instant Pot stuff
  • – not all of her recipes are Paleo (some are GF), but she has some great veggie recipes that I go back to again and again.
  • www.paleomg.comWARNING – if you’re fighting a sugar habit like I am, it’s best to stay away from this site until you’ve got it under control – Juli has a ton of very tempting Paleo Desserts on her site, which are fully off limits during a Whole30 (and I have to be careful even after my Whole30 because they can re-ignite the cravings that I’ve worked so hard to kick). BUT she also has some really great “regular” recipes as well. One of my favorite go-to recipes from her site is the 5 Ingredient Pizza Spaghetti Pie!
Stay Tuned – I’ll get the recipes for that Frittata and the Sweet Potato Hash up shortly 🙂

Whole30 Day 1 – Introduction

Whole30 Day 1…

I’m starting this out exhausted, run down, breaking out with acne like a teenage girl, sore & achy, a little bit “soft & fluffy”, sugar addicted, basically just a hot mess in general

I’ve had enough with sore, achy joints, zits, feeling rundown, puffy bags under my eyes, and random inflammation.

 Even more than that though, I’m sick and tired of madly craving sugar around the clock. The first thing I think about when I wake up in the morning is sugar, and I find myself fighting with the craving non-stop all day long. It’s mentally exhausting, and I have a lot of other things that I’d prefer to be spending my mental energy on!

A quick background – I’ve followed a Paleo-ish “diet” (I hate that word) for probably about 5 or 6 years, but over the last year, have re-introduced diary, and some gluten free grains like white rice, GF Oatmeal/Muesli (in order to supply additional fuel for my endurance training). Over the last 6 months, I’ve found myself eating more and more sugar, until, as of today, I pretty much follow every single lunch and dinner with dessert – usually in the form of frozen yogurt or ice cream, and usually incorporate some form of processed sugar into my breakfast (like chocolate chips in my oatmeal). . .it’s a slippery slope, y’all!

Day 1 Thoughts: I am missing the stevia in my coffee, but looking forward to breaking up with the Sugar Monster that’s been stalking me mercilessly for months! I saw my reflection in the mirror, and realize that I’ve aged quite a bit in the last 6 months – I look tired – I have dark circles and bags under my eyes. . . . and to add insult to injury, I have zits galore!

Over the course of the next 30 days, I’ll be trying to post brief video updates a few times a week, as well as some recipes, and tips and tricks for fueling endurance training while following an elimination diet, such as the Whole30.

Feel free to leave me words of encouragement, tips and tricks that you may have, or questions that I may be able to help answer in the comments section 🙂

For those unfamiliar with the Whole30, here’s a link to the website – there is lots of valuable info and a great support community there!

And here’s my first attempt at a video log!

The video quality isn’t so great, so I’ve inserted a “before” pic below as well. I’m not so much worried about tracking my body composition changes – it is a given that this will improve as my training load increases over the next several weeks anyway. . .I’m more interested to see the changes in my skin, complexion, and general appearance of being fatigued/run down.
No Filter, No Makeup, No Nuttin – just me – pizza face, fatigue, and all!

No Filter, No Makeup. .just me! Pizza Face, Fatigue, and all!

#Iwokeuplikethis. . .ugh. . .first cup of morning coffee w/ no sweeteners. . just black w/ some Collagen Peptides. . .
 Missing my Stevia!

Tropical Sushi Rolls! (w/ Cauliflower Rice)

I think this is my first blog post in over a year! Life has just been sooo crazy, and I had to prioritize my “have to’s” and my “want to’s”, and cut a few things out. . . 

Anyway, I recently created the most amazing Sushi using Cauliflower Rice, and it turned out so well that I just HAD to share 🙂
I have been craving the heck out of sushi lately, but have been feeling SO good following a 99.9% squeaky clean Paleo Diet that I just didn’t want to cave and risk taking a few steps back on the health front to satisfy a craving. So I decided to get creative and try my hand at Sushi made w/ Cauliflower Rice. The idea popped into my head about a month or so ago when I made my first batch of Juli Bauer’s Coconut Caulflower Rice (If you haven’t checked out yet – do it now!)

Anyway, I made her version of Coconut Cauliflower Rice, and found that the texture reminded me a little bit of “sticky rice” – I think due to the use of a little raw honey. Sticky Rice made me think Sushi, and a month later I finally got to play with the idea!

You can use whatever fillings that you’re in the mood for – I chose to use Sashimi Grade Wild Tuna, Avocado, Pineapple, and a little bit of Spicy Paleo Mayo. I know . . most people will see the pineapple and go eeewwww. . but I had some leftover Grilled Pineapple from another recipe of Juli’s that I made earlier in the week – and I saw it in the fridge as I was grabbing the ingredients to assemble my rolls, and thought – “Why Not?” – I love sweet and spicy stuff, and the sweetness of the pineapple w/ the spiciness of the mayo really made my taste buds sing!
Ideas for other fillings would be matchstick carrots and/or cucumbers, smoked salmon (if you’re not into raw fish), or crab meat (REAL Lump Crab mixed w/ spicy mayo would be yummy! Just avoid the overly processed gluten filled fake stuff).
This Recipe is kind of like a 3-in-1. I’ll include the Sushi Roll Assembly Instructions, a recipe for the Cauliflower Rice (pretty much straight off Juli’s site w/ just a minor modification), and a recipe for the spicy mayo.
Tropical Sushi Rolls:
Suggested Ingredients:
1 batch Cauliflower “Sticky” Rice (recipe below)
3 Tb Spicy Paleo Mayo (optional – recipe below)
Sashimi Grade Tuna or Salmon. . or Both!
Fresh Pineapple (sliced into long, slender strips)
1 Large Ripe Avocado
Place 1 Nori Sheet on a Flat, Dry surface 
Spread 1/4 cup (give or take) of Cauliflower Rice up and down the center of it
Slice off a strip of Tuna about 1/4 inch thick, and lay down the center of the rice
Lay 2 slices of Avocado alongside the tuna down the center of the rice
Lay a strip of pineapple down the center along the other side of the tuna
Drizzle a little bit of Spicy Mayo over the Tuna/Avocado/Pineapple
“Smear” a little avocado along one edge of the Nori (this will help seal it)
Watch This Video from 6:45 to 7:20 for “rolling” instructions
Once rolled tightly, use a very sharp knife to slice into 6-8 pieces
Additional Options/Variations:
Spread a little Wasabi Paste along the edge instead of or in addition to the Avocado (if you like it SPICY!)
Sprinkle individual pieces with toasted sesame seeds
Make a Spicy Crab Roll by replacing Tuna w/ Lump Crab Meat that has been mixed w/ the Spicy Mayo
Serve with Wasabi Paste, Pickled Ginger, and Coconut Aminos for dipping
Coconut Cauliflower “Sticky” Rice
1 Head Cauliflower
1 Tb Coconut Oil (or sesame oil would be good too, I think!)
1/4 – 1/3 cup Full Fat Coconut Milk (depending on size of cauliflower head)
1/8 cup finely shredded coconut (unsweetened)
2 Tb Rice Vinegar
1 tsp Raw Honey
Remove Stems and Roughly Chop Cauliflower. Place florets in Food Processor and Pulse until you get a rice-like consistency. 

TIP: Don’t Over-do it! If you pulse too much, you’ll end up with a bit of a “mush” instead of a “rice” and the consistency will be a little to wet for the sushi rolls. 

Warm 1 Tb oil in large pot – dump in “rice”, sprinkle with sea salt, stir until well combined, and cover with lid to let steam. Steam with lid on for about 8 minutes, stirring occasionally. (Honestly? I didn’t set a timer. . . it’s not an exact science though – 8 to 10 minutes should do the trick!). 
Remove lid and stir in coconut milk, vinegar, and shredded coconut. Then drizzle w/ honey and mix well. Let cook about another 8 minutes without lid, stirring frequently. It should be about the consistency of sticky rice when it’s done. 
Remove from heat and set aside

Spicy Mayo (Optional)
3 Tb of your favorite Paleo Mayo (I like Melissa Joulwan’s recipe)
1/ 2 tsp Cayenne Pepper (more or less to your taste) 
1/2 tsp Garlic Powder
splash of coconut aminos (optional)
Combine all ingredients in a small bowl and mix well (or blend w/ a hand blender if you’d prefer)

Rough Chopped Cauliflower in Food Processor

“Riced” Cauliflower

Ingredients for Coconut Sticky “Rice”

Sticky “Rice” (after cooking)

Assembled Sushi Roll before Rolling
Basic Sushi Roll 1
Basic Sushi Roll 2
Tropical Sushi Roll!

Recipe: Grilled Broccoli

I LOVE vegetables 🙂 But sometimes I get tired of eating “sauteed this” or “roasted that” and I want to do something a little bit different.

I recently discovered “Roasted Broccoli”, and it is absolutely delicious, but it stinks up my house something aweful whenever I cook it. Enter Grilled Broccoli!

Grilled Broccoli tastes very similar to roasted broccoli, and it gets nice and crispy outside but soft inside, like roasted broccoli as well. The advantage is that the cooking is done outside, and my house doesn’t smell like dirty socks for 3 hours after I’m done preparing it 🙂

I also like the fact that I can cook this alongside some steaks, chicken breasts, or turkey burgers on my grill, and not have to worry about monitoring both a grill and a stove simultaneously.

And Great News! This is yet another recipe that even Picky eaters will likely eat without complaints (Yes, I know this from experience . . . . )

Grilled Broccoli


Several Heads of broccoli cut into florets (but leave about 1 – 2 inches of stem intact)

EVOO (the amount will depend on how much broccoli you are using. I’d guesstimate about 1 Tb per full head of broccoli)

Freshly Minced Garlic (1 clove per head of broccoli)

Sea Salt to taste

Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice (1/2 lemon per head of broccoli)


Toss Broccoli in a big bowl with EVOO, Sea Salt, and Minced Garlic. Mix well (toss for at least 2-3 minutes to make sure that all florets are coated w/ Olive Oil. The longer you toss, the better the end results will be!

Spread Broccoli out on a Grill Pan (I use disposable grill pans like the one pictured below. If you don’t have a grill pan, you can cook without, but you’ll want your stalks to be a little bit longer so that you don’t have to worry about them falling through the grates)

Grill Pan

Place Grill Pan with broccoli on Grill over low heat, and cook for about 5* minutes, or until underside begins to brown/crisp.

Using Thongs, flip each piece of broccoli over, and cook for another 2-3 minutes**

Remove from the Grill, Sprinkle with Lemon Juice, and Serve!

*If you like crisper (less cooked / al dente) broccoli, turn after about 3 minutes. I like my broccoli pretty “well done”

**You don’t absolutely have to cook both sides if you’re in a hurry – grilling just one side is fine – that side will just be a little crispier while the other side will be a bit softer.

Recipe: Pressure Cooker Middle Eastern Chicken

I’ve continued to have fun playing with food and my new toy, the Pressure Cooker over the last week, and have come up with another winner!

I’m by no means a Pressure Cooker Expert yet, but I’m definitely getting the hang of this thing, and I really love the fact that foods cooked in it seem to be so much more flavorful – I think that Jamie (my hubby) has actually licked his plate after every single pressure cooker meal that I’ve prepared – and that’s saying something considering he typically is not a huge fan of any “Paleo Meals” that I prepare for him.

The following recipe took a lot of modification from the original, which called for yogurt, flour, potato starch, and rice – so I knew I was taking a “risk”, but it turned out great – so good that I felt it was “share-worthy”.

I was a little hesitant to add the mint because it just really seemed like an odd combination, and I’ve never used mint in a recipe before, but it was very good and I don’t think the dish would have been the same without it.

Pressure Cooker Middle Eastern Chicken (Paleo Version)


3 lbs Chicken Breasts or Tenders
1/4 cup Olive Oil
6 Green Onions, Minced
5 Cloves Garlic, Crushed
1/2 cup Parsley, Minced
1 Tb Dried Mint
1 tsp Ground Cumin
1/2 cup Organic Free Range Chicken Broth (read label to avoid sugar/soy/gluten/etc)
3 Tb Fresh-Squeezed Lemon Juice
3/4 Cup Full Fat Coconut Milk (Divided into 1/2 cup & 1/4 cup portions)
Sea Salt to taste
1/2 tsp White Pepper (ground black pepper would work if you don’t have white)
2 Egg Yolks
1.5 Tb Arrowroot Powder


Heat Olive Oil in bottom of pressure cooker, and then briefly brown chicken on both sides (in batches).

Remove chicken to a plate, and set to the side.

Add Green Onions, Garlic, & Parsley, and saute in hot oil for 2 minutes, then add Chicken & Stir.

Sprinkle with Mint & Cumin.

Add Broth, Lemon Juice, 1/2 cup Coconut Milk, Salt, & Pepper, and stir well.

Secure lid and bring to pressure over high heat (will take approx 10-12 minutes).

Reduce heat to medium (but maintain pressure), and cook 10 minutes.

Remove Pressure Cooker from heat and let pressure release naturally (natural-release method).
Remove lid, Remove Chicken, and set on a plate (leaving sauce in pressure cooker).

Ladel out 1/2 cup of the broth, add remaining 1/4 cup coconut milk, and whisk into egg yolks.

Whisk ArrowRoot Powder into the egg yolk mixture, and then stir back into cooking liquid in Pressure Cooker.

Cook over medium-low heat, stirring, until thickened (about 10 minutes?)

Spoon over chicken, and serve.

This dish is tangy, savory, and creamy all at the same time!

I served mine with grilled broccoli and Mel’s Creamy Spicy Greens, and this was a great combination.

Recipe: Pressure Cooker Chicken Cacciatore

Another Pressure Cooker Success!!

I am absolutely in love with my Pressure Cooker, and wondering why in the world I waited so long to break down and buy one! I have never in my life had chicken breasts and tough cuts of meat (like stew meat) come out so tender, and with so little effort, and in such a short amount of time! If you’ve never used a Pressure Cooker – Warning – there is a small learning curve, but I highly reccomend purchasing one. I don’t know that I’ll ever cook chicken or roasts any other way again!

One of the first meals that I made in my Pressure Cooker was Chicken Cacciatore. I was craving Italian and Olives, and this meal fit the bill. I searched a ton of websites, pulled multiple recipes, and used a little bit from here and a little bit from there to come up with my own creation.

The result was absolutely phenominal (If I do say so myself!). I literally shredded the chicken w/ a fork when it was done – it was that tender!

Pressure Cooker Chicken Cacciatore:


Olive Oil
3 Shallots, Chopped
4 Garlic Cloves, Crushed
1 Green Bell Pepper, seeded & diced
1/2 cup Organic Chicken or Vegetable Broth (be careful of sneaky sugars/soy/gluten/etc)
1 8-10 oz package mushrooms, sliced
5-6 Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts (good sized ones, not midgets – you’ll want leftovers!)
2 Cans Organic Crushed Tomatoes
2 Tb Organic Tomato Paste
1 Can Pitted Black Olives (I used Whole Foods Brand – just olives, water, salt)
Fresh Parsley
Red Pepper to taste (I used a healthy 1/2 tsp, but I like spicy!)
Sea Salt & Black Pepper to taste


Heat the oil in a 4-quart or larger cooker. Add the shallots and bell pepper and cook over medium-high heat, stirring frequently, until the shallots soften slightly, about 2 minutes.

Stir in the broth and boil for 2-3 minutes. Scrape up any browned bits sticking to the bottom of the cooker.

Stir in the mushrooms and garlic. Set the chicken on top. Cover the chicken with crushed tomatoes. Do not stir. Plop the tomato paste on top.

Lock the lid in place.

Over high heat bring to high pressure. Reduce the heat just enough to maintain high pressure and cook for 8 minutes.

Turn off the heat.

Allow the pressure to come down naturally. Remove the lid.

Stir in the olives, parsley, red pepper flakes, salt and pepper.

I served mine over a heaping serving of shredded cabbage, and it was AWESOME!

Recipe: Pressure Cooker Pot Roast

I am FINALLY getting the chance to really put my pressure cooker to work, and loving every minute of it! The new Pressure Cooker works like charm. The very first time I used it, I started to freak out just a little b/c it seemed to take FOREVER for the regulator to start to rock, and steam was coming out of the lid lock/air vent even though it was in the “up” postion. . . but after a few minutes of this it rattled into place, and then the regulator started rocking a few minutes later – YAY- Pressure Cooker Success #1!

I’ve cooked several meals in my pressure cooker over the last week or so, and every single one has turned out AWESOME!:

~Paleo-ized Chicken Cacciatori – A-Freaking-Mazing! (recipe coming in the next week 🙂

~Paleo-ized Chili (Mel’s recipe w/ some revisions to cooking method and meat type)

~”Salsa Dancing Chicken” (stolen from the Everyday Paleo Website – YUM!!)

~Sweet Potatoes


~. . .and lastly – a Pot Roast-esque Dish that turned out so good I had to force myself to stop eating it after one serving – I totally wanted to go back for more!

I can’t keep this amazing discovery to myself – so here it is!

The backstory: I promised my hubby I’d cook him pot roast this weekend, but when I opened my box freezer to pull out one of my GF Roasts . .**Gasp!** . . .there were none to be found! I dug to the very bottom because I swear I still had at least one roast in there. . . but no such luck. So what’s a girl to do? I couldn’t bring myself to go a buy sub-par grain-fed roast, but I don’t live in an area where you can just drive to a Whole Foods or Trader Joe’s and pick up a piece of GF Meat!

So I improvised – it’s funny – I’ve noticed that some of my best creations have come out of improvisation when I’m out of something that I thought I had! I used 3 packages of GF Stew Meat instead of a roast (approx 3 lbs)

Then, as I was getting the veggies out to prep, I realized that I didn’t have any sweet potatoes either! **Palm-Face** So I scoured my fridge to try to figure out something I could sub for the Sweet Potatoes. . .Brussel Sprouts to the rescue! So I ended up making an “odd” Pot Roast-esque dish with Stew Meat, Farmer’s Market Carrots, Brussel Sprouts, Onions, & Celery – and I swear that it is the BEST “PotRoast” I have ever had in my entire life!

Please forgive me – I tend not to measure spices and such when I’m “creating”. . .so the measurements below are my best estimates!

Pressure Cooker “Pot Roast-Esque Dish”


3 lbs Grass Fed Stew Meat
2 Cups Organic Beef Broth (Read Label – make sure no “sneaky” sugar or gluten or soy)
1 Bunch Carrots (5-6 medium), cut into chunks
1 bag Fresh Brussel Sprouts (15-20?)
3-4 Stalks Celery
1 Large Vidalia Onion
6 Cloves Garlic (or less if you’re not a big garlic fan
Sea Salt
Black Pepper
2 Bay Leaves
Coconut Aminos (2 Tb?)
Olive Oil


Prep Veggies – Cut Carrots, Celery, & Onions into good-sized chunks, mince garlic, halve brussel sprouts.

Pour Olive Oil in a large skillet, add Stew Meat, and sprinkle meat with Cumin, Sea Salt, and Pepper. Mix around really well so that spices cover all of the meat, and then lightly brown it (approx 3-4 minutes, stirring regularly).

While browning meat, saute onions and garlic in olive oil for 3-5 minutes (until onions start to soften) in bottom of pressure cooker. Once the meat is slightly browned, toss it with the onions an the garlic in the pressure cooker. Add 2 Cups Beef Broth, 2 Tb Coconut Aminos, and 2 Bay Leaves.

Secure Lid and bring to pressure. Once Cooker builds pressure, start your timer, and cook for 17 minutes.

Release the pressure under running water, remove Pressure Cooker lid, Dump in veggies, stir, and replace lid.

Return Pressure Cooker to heat, & bring back up to pressure. Once Pressure is built, reduce heat to low (but make sure regulator is still rocking). Cook for an additional 7 Minutes.

Use the Quick Release Method once again, remove lid, and serve. If you’re a softy like me, reserv the broth to sprinkle over your dog’s food 😉 If not, I recommend draining it – The meat and veggies wil be fall-apart tender with no need for additional “juice” 🙂

And yes – this one even managed to past the “picky hubby test” with a request for seconds!

Pressure Cooker Adventures #1

Yes, my initial Pressure Cooker adventures were an Epic Fail!

I attribute this to the fact that I bought a $19.95 Pressure Cooker at HEB. . . I tried several times to use it, but it never seemed to build up pressure correctly.

According to the instructions, I was supposed to put it on the stove on high heat until the regulator began to rock, and then reduce the heat to medium or low so that the regulator continued to rock gently. The instructions also said that I shouldn’t start timing the cooking until the regulator began to rock (meaning that the pressure had built up enough to do it’s job).

Well, my regulator never rocked, but tons of steam leaked out from around the handle each time that I tried to use it, and water dripped down the side of the Cooker – so I’m pretty sure that it never built up the proper amount of pressure because so much steam was leaking out.

I tried steaming cauliflower, but because the regulator never rocked, I didn’t know when to start timing it. I ended up WAAY overcooking it and ended up with a soggy mess!

So, you live and learn I guess! I refuse to quit on my attempts at pressure cooking because it looks like such a healthy alternative and the convenience and speed of it is really appealing to me also.

So I upgraded to a $40 Presto 8 Qt Pressure Cooker over the weekend, and am very much looking forward to trying it out next week – I only hope that I have better luck this time, and that the previous Pressure Cooker really was faulty and that it wasn’t just “user error”!

I’m going to start scouring the web this evening for some yummy Paleo Pressure Cooker Recipes, but if anyone out there reading this has some “winners”, (Or Pressure Cooking Tips!) please share!

Recipe: Prawn Cakes

I found this recipe in an old cookbook from my Figure Competition days – I tried it out tonight with a few minor revsions, and it turned out GREAT! My picky hubby even asked for seconds 🙂 That makes it a keeper in my book!

These are kind of like a healthy non-fried, non-breaded version of Crab Cakes.

I also made roasted garlic for the very first time tonight (Yay Me!), and made some sauteed spinach w/ caramalized onion and roasted garlic – This was the perfect compliment to the Prawn Cakes!

Prawn Cakes – From Gourmet Nutrition: The Cookbook for the Fit Food Lover by Dr. John M. Berardi, Michael Williams, & Kristna Andres (with minor revisions by your’s truly)


12 oz Raw & Peeled Chilled Prawn (I used HEB Wild Gulf Shrimp – Frozen, but thawed them)
1 T Olive Oil
1/4 cup Leeks, sliced
1/2 cups Mushrooms, sliced
2 Tb Coconut Milk
2 Whites
2 Cloves Garlic, Minced
Handfull of Fresh Cilantro, choped
Sea Salt to taste
Pepper to taste

Dry any moisture from the prawns with a paper towel and return to fridge.

Saute Leeks & Mushrooms in 1 tsp of olive oil until leeks are lightly browned.

Remove mixture from pan and completely chill in fridge.

Add All ingredients, including the raw prawns, to a food processor and puree until combined but not smooth.

Preheat oven to 350. Preheat a cast iron skillet on medium heat w/ remaining olive oil.

Scoop heaping tablespoons of the mixture into your hands and form into round cakes approximately 2 inch diameter by 3/4 inch thick.

Add to Pan, leaving a little room in between each cake.

Sautee until lightly browned, flip and then brown the other side (2-3 mintues per side).

Transfer to a baking sheet and place in the oven.

Bake until cooked through (8-10 Minutes).

Recipe: Spicy Spanish Chicken

It’s been really cold here in South TX for the last week or so, and as a result I’ve found myself craving spicy food like crazy! For some reason, whenever the weather turns cold, I start craving dishes w/ HEAT!

I made this one last night, and was pretty impressed w/ the way it turned out, so I thought I’d share:

Spanish Chicken Skillet

2 tsp Smoked Paprika
1 tsp dried Thyme
1/4 tsp Black Pepper
1/4 tsp Cayenne Pepper (or to taste)
1/2 tsp Crushed Red Pepper
2 Cloves Garlic, Minced
Sea Salt to taste
1/8 Cup Coconut Flour
4 Medium Size Chicken Breast, tenderized
2 Tb Olive Oil
1 Green Pepper, sliced into thin strips
1 Red Pepper, sliced into thin strips
1 Sweet Onion, cut into wedges
1 (14.5 oz) Can Diced Tomatoes – Undrained (I like the Organic Fire Roasted kind)
1/2 cup Organic Free Range Chicken Broth


  1. Combine Coconut Flour, Sea Salt, and all of the Spices except Red Pepper.
  2. Use 2-3 Tb of this seasoned flour to coat both sides of chicken (I sprinkled it on, patted it a little, and rubbed it in).
  3. Heat 1 Tb Olive Oil in a large skillet. Brown both sides of chicken (about 2 min per side).
  4. Remove Chicken from Pan.
  5. Add remaining oil, onions, and peppers to the skillet and cook until tender (about 5 minutes).
  6. Stir in tomatoes, broth, remaining seasoned flour, and red pepper flakes
  7. Return chicken to skillet, reduce heat to low, cover, and simmer 10 minutes.

I served mine over a bed of fresh spinach. The warm chicken and peppers wilted the spinach just enough, and it was really good! This would also be good over some Spanish “Cauli-Rice”. . . . hmmmm . . I think I have inspiration for another recipe. . . to be continued 🙂