In 2021, we opened a 501 (c) 3 Non-Profit based on the volume of support Team Tracy ATX offers both at races, events and support of women’s cycling. Team Tracy ATX helps with Neutral Support at events/races, and provides aid station support at gravel events. Jamie was a Fire Fighter/Medic in Maryland and an EMT Advance Tactical for the USCG, so in 2019 he began to build out deployable Trauma BLS Medical Kits. With the help of promoters and sponsors we obtained an AED to be added to our Medical Kits. Unfortunately, racing bikes can cause injury and we do go through significant amounts of medical supplies.
In addition to medical supplies, we also try to keep a spare tubes, co2 cartridges, saddles, chains, quick links and other spare bike parts in the event someone needs it to to race. We try to never ask for money, unless the item is expensive. For the most part we have covered the cost out of our personal finances.

We also help promoters with safety lighting gear, a Moto Neutral Support / Gravel Marshal and using the VanDoIt as a lane blocker.

Christie works hard to promote women’s racing and involvement. Often other riders wanting to try Ultra Racing they’ll reach out for help and or suggestions. In 2021 Jamie had mentioned to Christie about setting up a six women Ultra Development Team for “Rookies”. As it is with Christie, she went from six to thirty from all over the USA and across the pond.
Team Tracy ATX also supports 3T Q&M Domestic Elite Women’s Cycling Team with team van support and mechanical support at UCI events. We also offer the usage of any tools, sealant and air for other teams needing help.

If you would like to donate to our 501 (c) 3 Non-Profit please click on the QR code provided. And thanks, all funds are used for the Non-Profit.
Thank You,
Jamie and Christie Tracy