When Schoolwork interferes w/ Working Out!

I’m taking a quick mental break from the paper and figured I’d post a quick update 🙂

I was up until 3:30am this morning working on schoolwork, and consequently missed CrossFit this morning. I hate it when I miss a morning workout because it just throws my whole day off! I’m so exauhsted that I can barely see straight, but my Master’s Class officially ends tonight, and I have a cumulative project worth 25% of my entire grade that I must turn in before midnight PST. Trying not to let the time pressure get to me . . staying positive and just plugging away to the best of my ability.

I can tell that it’s going to be another 3-4am night and I’m PISSED that I’m going to miss CrossFit AGAIN tomorrow morning, but I’ve got to put my schoolwork ahead of my fitness pursuits . . . .trying to be a responsible adult and all . .

Anyway, had a fairly busy day at work today. I made time on my lunch break to call Allstate and file claims for BOTH vehicles that I wrecked. . . . The first girl that I spoke with told me that I would have to pay the full deductible for both vehicles. . . That was going to SERIOUSLY hurt the pocketbook! I told her that I’d discuss it with my husband and call back after we had worked out the finances. When I called back an hour later, I got a different representative. She checked our account, and it turns out that we have something called “Platinum Coverage”, and because we haven’t ever filed a claim before, our deductibles on both vehicles for this incident would be waived! Additionally, our insurance rates would not go up, as long as we maintained Platinum Coverage, and did not have another accident. . . . can you say HAPPY DANCE!?!?!?

After getting off the phone w/ Allstate, I nuked a bag of broccoli and heated up some chicken that I cooked this weekend, and had a very satisfying lunch:

Baked Chicken w/ Garlic, Rosemary, Basil, Oregano, and Red Pepper Flakes & Broccoli drizzled w/ Olive Oil and sprinkled w/ Slivered Almonds . . . NUMMY!!!
Got off work, went straight into schoolwork, thought my eyes were going to fall out of my head, took a 15 minute power nap, got up, and back to the schoolwork. Breaked for a dinner of Steak & Spinach Salad w/ tomatoes, onions, cucumbers, avocados, and HB egg. . . then back to schoolwork again.
And here I am! Well, gonna end it here and get back to this paper. Will be SO happy after this is submitted as it will signify the end of the Master’s Level class that has been kicking my butt for 12 weeks now. I will have one more HUGE comprehensive project in another class to complete by Wednesday, and then will have a few days off before my final 3 classes start on Sept 1st 🙂
Night All!

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