Okay – Vacation’s Over!

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I know I’ve been MIA again for a bit, but it’s been for good reason this time 🙂

My husband and I recently celebrated our 10 year anniversary a few months early with a vacation to Jamaica. I didn’t post anything about it ahead of time because I try to be “smart” about the kinds of personal info that I put out there for the world to see. . .:)

Anyway, we spent an amazing 10 days in Jamaica from November 13th through the 21st. We stayed at an all inclusive resort, and I made the concious decision ahead of time that I would try to make the majority of my meals Paleo Compliant, but would allow myself a few desserts and sugary frozen drinks. I also decided that I would workout most of the days of vacation because I actually ENJOY working out, and it’s not a “chore”.:)

Vacation was AWESOME, and I did stick to my plan for the most part. Most of my meals were made up of only lean meats, fresh veggies, and delicious fresh fruits. I wasn’t as careful about sauces and seasonings as I would typically be at home, but I did avoid any sauces/seasonings that were obviously cream or milk based or overly processed. Most everything on all of the menus was comprised of WHOLE FOODS and it was very yummy. I never had a problem asking for veggies to be subbed for starchy carb sides.:)

Where I went off-track a little bit was on the desserts. . . . yikes. I had slayed my sugar demons back in August but I woke them up with a VENGENCE on vacation! I found myself eating desserts (albeit small ones) after almost every lunch and dinner. . . so while the actual MEAL was Whole and Natural. . . the desserts were most definitely not!:)

As I said earlier, I had already planned on eating a few desserts, so I didn’t beat myself up over this stuff (even though I ate considerably more desserts thant I had planned). I truly believe that you have to live your life to the fullest. I made a very personal decision to stray from my typical eating habits while on vacation, and I did this guilt-free. . . although I do have to say that my digestive track gave me a hard time over it! I had planned to do another Whole30 round starting the day that we returned from vacation in order to put a stop to the sugar cravings that I would have undoutedly re-awakened, and get myself back on the right track. (More on this in a moment!):)

As for drinks, I did drink a ton of water, but also drank my fair share of drinks with various liquors and fruit juices. . . I’ll leave it at that.:)

As for working out – I did work out the first 5 mornings of our trip and it was AWESOME! Burpees on the beach in Jamaica suck just as much as burpees in the back yard – but the scenery was a heck of a lot better! By the end of the vacation though, I found myself staying up later, drinking a bit more at night, and failing to drag my lazy butt out of bed . . .I didn’t officially “work out” the last 3 days, however I did play 3-5 agressive games of beach volleyball daily, so that’s got to count for something! :):)

The day before we left my hubby and I started feeling a little bit icky, and by the time we got home we had come down with a full fledged case of the flu. And this is the Flu that would just not die! We were sick as dogs from the 22nd through the 27th. . . we’re both just starting to feel human again today.

As I mentioned earlier, I had planned on going back to strict Paleo the day we returned home, but the Flu threw a wrench in my plans. I’m guilty of “justifying” an extra week of junk eating with “rational thoughts”. Looking back it was stupid and I probably would have recovered more quickly on a diet of whole, natural foods . . . but my “justification” was that I felt like crap and was running a 102 degree fever and couldn’t even contemplate drumming up the energy to go grocery shopping and prepping a bunch of food. So I picked up a ton of soup, a turkey, and **gulp** some ice cream (for our sore throats . . .some justification, huh?) Not exactly “Whole” foods. . .

So here I sit after 10 days in Jamaica of splurging, and then another 7 days at home eating “sick” foods that were most definitely not Paleo. . . and I feel nasty inside. And not from the flu!

Of course the fact that I’ve been entirely too sick to work out for the last week doesn’t help matters either!

But it’s time to put down my foot and say enough is enough!

I’m starting another Whole30 on Monday Morning (yes, tomorrow!) – and can’t wait! I am aware that this will take me through Christmas, but I’m A-Okay with that 🙂 I’m actually looking forward to preparing a Whole30 compliant Christmas dinner to show my hubby that it CAN be done!

If anyone wants to start on Monday with me, let me know, and we can help keep each other accountable 😉

Oh, and here’s proof of those burpees on the beach:

0 thoughts on “Okay – Vacation’s Over!”

  1. Christie! I am in. Two weeks of "no crossfit" as per my Airrosti doctor, because of my shoulder. Then last Saturday I get the call that my daddy is getting his heart, so I fly immediately to NY and when in NY the only thing I eat is Pizza and Chinese! So needless to say…..my eating healthy was shot to hell!! Daddy is doing wonderful and I am back home.So count me in! Going back to crossfit tomorrow but still not allowed to do any upperbody lifting 🙁 but I am sure Molly and Zeph will come up with something good! Glad you are feeling better! Monique.

  2. Hey girl! That's great news about your Dad! Sorry to hear about your shoulder but hopefully your rehab is going well 🙂 okay – day 1 is tomorrow! I'll see ya at CF in the AM .

  3. haha…i'm off today going to s.a. w/ delisa and i'm up on a monday that i can sleep in….grrrr lol! i super love your blogs! congrats to you and tracy w/ mannnnnnnny more years to come! you look freakin' amazing and so happy!

  4. Is that you Allison? You guys are killing me w/ the "Anonymous" thing. . .one of these days I'm going to respond completely innapropriately thinking that I'm responding to a person that isn't the person that I thought! lol

    Hope you guys had an awesome time in San An today!

    Thanks so much for your sweet words chica – and I'm glad you like my ramblings!

    Have a great one – hopefully you get a little more sleep tonight 😉

  5. Hey Christie! I'm totally feeling like you in that I have done a total crash for all the reasons that seemed to make sense at the time. Flu, holiday, horrible menstrual cramps, etc, etc….Whatever! What was I thinking? I feel like crap today and it's so hard to get motivated. So yes, let's do this thing. It always helps to have accountability. I can't remember how I found your blog in the first place (whole9life maybe?) I have enjoyed reading all that you share so thank you! I just really need to back to clean eating. Maybe we can help each other…..I love that you "put it out there". I've never been a blogger but something you said definitely resonated with me. I can relate to your struggles in a big way! And I admire your determination! So, with that being said…..today is officially day one for me. Oh, one more thing…..my gym is doing a paleo challenge starting yesterday. It goes until Jan. 31st. 9 week challenge. Curious to see what I can do……

  6. Hey Diablo!

    I'm all for "helping each other" through this one. . . today is my Day 1 as well – as it turns out, the cough drops that I was sucking on for dear life all day Monday had SUGAR in them . . so I had to re-start my day 1 today – sans cough drops!

    It's great that your W30 is coninciding with the Paleo Challenge at your gym – maybe you will end up making it a Whole90 – ya never know!

    Hope your first day is going well. Mine's okay so far – other than a massive craving for tortilla chips mid-day which I drowned w/ a liter of water 🙂

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